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A leading independent
research and risk management consultancy

Spartan Maritime

At Spartan Maritime, we work across the maritime and energy sectors, providing independent advisory and advanced technical guidance supporting marine infrastructure design and engineering, mobility analytics, spatial planning, and risk management.  

Our Sectors

Make confident decisions, achieve project

Our solutions benefit from a progressive collective intelligence architecture elicited through data democratization, advanced analytics, and transdisciplinary dialogue to articulate scientific knowledge and augmented cognition

Our network of domain experts synthesize technical acuity with socio-economic insights offering a holistic cross-disciplinary research interface to deliver critical systemic analysis on functionality, processes, and interactions which permeate maritime ecosystems. 

We support a comprehensive portfolio covering traditional and non-traditional datasets leveraging on an extensive suite of custom mathematical algorithms and machine learning (ML) models for accurate predictive and prescriptive analytics, risk quantification, manoeuvring motion kinematics, and behavioural patterns under man-machine interactivity.

We are redefining the genetics of disciplinary contributions and continue to provoke confrontational intelligence to stimulate fluid and transformative solutions empowering our clients to achieve greater productivity, deeper insights and sustained resilience.

Our network of domain experts merges technical acuity with socio-economic insights, offering a holistic cross-disciplinary research interface. We deliver critical systemic analysis on functionality, processes, and interactions that characterise maritime ecosystems. 

Corporate Statements

Foreword by director

A knowledge-centric

Our knowledge-centric philosophy is supported through a culture of cross-disciplinary interaction. Continuous learning remains our central institutional asset. In pursuit of subject understanding and as more knowledge models are created, we continue to encode human expertise and data from across silos into a shared reservoir providing fluidity in applying reasoning and context to data which create relationships.

We believe that the fusion of information management and organizational learning enables our people to develop deeper understanding of interdependencies across various research sectors to discover alternative ways to optimize operations and enabling our clients to make safer and more effective decisions.

Al Khalid Jauhary Zulkurnain

Managing Director

Case Studies And clients

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